Hindi or English Ka Question Bihar Police Exam 2023

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Hindi or English Ka Question Bihar Police Exam 2023:- बिहार पुलिस कांस्टेबल परीक्षा के लिए यहां पर हिंदी और इंग्लिश का महत्वपूर्ण सिलेक्टेड प्रश्न दिया गया है सभी विद्यार्थी इसे पढ़कर याद करें Bihar Police Ka English Ka Question 2023

Hindi Ka VVI Question Bihar Police Pariksha 2023 यदि आप बिहार पुलिस का टेस्ट देना चाहते हैं तो टेस्ट में भी इसी तरह का प्रश्न रहेगा टेस्ट इसी वेबसाइट एवं एप्लीकेशन के माध्यम से लिया जाता है Hindi or English Question

Hindi Ka VVI Question Bihar Police Pariksha 2023

1. बालकृष्ण भट्ट का जन्म कब हुआ था?

(a) 1830 ई. में

(b) 1810 ई. में

(c) 1844 ई. में

(d) 1850 ई. में

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(c) 1844 ई. में

2. दिनकर जी की कौन-सी रचना को 100 सर्वश्रेष्ठ काव्यों में 74वाँ स्थान दिया गया?

(a) उर्वशी

(b) संस्कृति के चार अध्याय

(c) परशुराम की प्रतीक्षा

(d) कुरुक्षेत्र

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(d) कुरुक्षेत्र

3. नामवर सिंह के व्यक्तिव्यंजक निबन्धों के संग्रह का नाम है

(a) कहना न होगा

(b) जमाने से दो-दो हाथ

(c) बकलम खुद

(d) हिन्दी के विकास में अपभ्रंश का योग

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(c) बकलम खुद

4. ‘डार से बिछुरी’ उपन्यास किसकी रचना है?

(a) भोला पासवान शास्त्री

(b) अशोक वाजपेयी

(c) कृष्णा सोबती

(d) शिवानी

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(c) कृष्णा सोबती

5. राजकमल चौधरी का वास्तविक नाम था

(a) शशि नारायण चौधरी

(b) मणीन्द्र नारायण चौधरी

(c) अनिल कुमार चौधरी

(d) रघुवीर प्रसाद

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(b) मणीन्द्र नारायण चौधरी

6. प्रेमचन्द जी की रचनाओं में अधिकतर किसका चित्रण मिलता है?

(a) जमींदार वर्ग का

(b) धनिक वर्गों का

(c) शोषित वर्ग की दीन-हीन दशा का

(d) प्राचीन इतिहास का

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(c) शोषित वर्ग की दीन-हीन दशा का

7. मेहरुन्निसा परवेज का जन्म हुआ था

(a) वर्ष 1940 में

(b) वर्ष 1944 में

(d) वर्ष 1947 में

(d) वर्ष 1948 में

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(b) वर्ष 1944 में

8. ‘झीलों का नगर वियतनाम में किस शहर को कहा जाता है ?

(a) हो – ची – मीन्ह

(b) हानोई

(c) ह्यू

(d) क्वी- हान

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(b) हानोई

9. हिन्दी में जीवनी साहित्य का पहला ग्रन्थ है

(a) भक्तमाल

(b) गुरुभक्त

(c) दिशा मार्ग

(d) रामचरितमानस

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(a) भक्तमाल

10. निम्न में भट्ट जी का कौन-सा उपन्यास है?

(a) नूतन ब्रह्मचारी

(b) आवारा मसीहा

(c) कंकाल

(d) कर्बला

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(a) नूतन ब्रह्मचारी

11. सुभद्रा जी का काव्य-संग्रह है

(a) मुकुल

(b) त्रिधारा

(c) प्रसिद्ध पंक्तियाँ

(d) ये सभी

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(d) ये सभी

12. पद्मा सचदेव को ‘साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार’ किस रचना के लिए मिला?

(a) भाई को नहीं घनंजय

(b) अमराई

(c) मेरी कविता मेरे गीत

(d) नौशीन

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(c) मेरी कविता मेरे गीत

13. विष्णुभट गोडसे का जन्म हुआ था

(a) मुम्बई

(b) औरंगाबाद

(c) ग्वालियर

(d) रायगढ़

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(d) रायगढ़

14. नेपाल जाकर नारायण जी ने किसका गठन किया?

(a) आजाद फौज

(b) आजाद दस्ता

(c) आजाद भारत

(d) युवा क्रान्ति

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(b) आजाद दस्ता

15. रेणु जी की निम्न में से किस कहानी पर ‘तीसरी कसम’ नामक फिल्म बनी?

(a) पंचलाइट

(b) मारे गए गुलफाम

(c) ठेस

(d) एक आदिम रात्रि की महक

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(b) मारे गए गुलफाम

Bihar Police Ka English Ka Question 2023

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 and 17) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

One day an army group won a land battle against the enemy. The commander feared that the enemy’s powerful air force might bomb his camp that night in revenge. So, he ordered all lights to be put out at 7:00 PM. At midnight the commander went round inspecting the camp. Seeing a light in a tent, he entered it. His son, an officer under him, was writing a letter. The son explained that he was writing to his mother about his brave deeds in battle. The commander told his son to add to his letter that by the time his mother received the letter he would have been shot dead for indiscipline.

16. The commander went round the camp at midnight because he

(a) was too tired from the day’s battle to go to sleep

(b) wished to check if his soldiers had obeyed his order

(c) was too worried about the next day’s battle

(d) wished to check if enemies had entered his camp

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(b) wished to check if his soldiers had obeyed his order

17. The commander entered his son’s tent because he

(a) wished to see and talk to his son

(b) suspected that enemies had entered his tent

(c) wished to send a message to his wife

(d) had to punish any soldier who disobeyed his order

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(d) had to punish any soldier who disobeyed his order

Directions (Q. Nos. 18 and 19) Answer the following questions with most appropriate alternative.

18. A notice is always written in a…….

(a) without box

(b) bax

(c) circle

(d) None of these

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(b) bax

19. In notice, date is written on which side?

(a) Left

(b) Right

(c) Top

(d) At the end

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(a) Left

Directions (Q. Nos. 20 and 21) A sentence has been given in Direct speech. Out of the alternatives suggested select the one that express the given sentence in Indirect speech.

20. Kala said to Radha, “Who were you speaking to over the phone?”

(a) Kala asked Radha who she had been speaking to over the phone.

(b) Kala asked Radha who she has been speaking to over the phone.

(c) Kala asked Radha that who she was speaking to over the phone.

(d) Kala asked Radha that who she had been speaking to over the phone.

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(a) Kala asked Radha who she had been speaking to over the phone.

21. The king said to his men, “Do not be afraid of the enemy. Face them. bravely”.

(a) The king ordered his men to not be afraid of the enemy and that they had to be faced bravely.

(b) The king asked his men to not be afraid of the enemy but they should be faced bravely.

(c) The king advised his men not to be afraid of the enemy but to face them bravely.

(d) The king told his men not to be afraid of the enemy and they had faced them bravely.

Directions (Q. Nos. 22 and 23) Fill in the blanks with most appropriate alternatives.

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(c) The king advised his men not to be afraid of the enemy but to face them bravely.

22. Are you an editor……an author?

(a) that

(b) and

(c) or

(d) so

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(c) or

23. He is weak…….he does a lot of work.

(a) and

(c) so

(b) because

(d) yet

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(d) yet

Directions (Q. Nos. 24 and 25) In the following questions, a sentence is given which may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error. If the sentence is free from error, your answer is (d).


(a) There is none 

(b) who can support. you in 

(c) this crucial period. 

(d) No error 

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(b) who can support. you in 


(a) If were the child mine,

(b) I would have taken 

(c) it to a doctor. 

(d) No error 

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(a) If were the child mine,

Directions (Q. Nos. 26 and 27) In each of the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given Idiom/Phrase.

26. Dowry is a burning question of the day.

(a) a relevant problem

(b) a dying issue

(c) an irrelevant problem

(d) a widely debated issue

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(d) a widely debated issue

27. His voice gets on my nerves.

(a) makes me sad

(b) irritates me

(c) makes me ill

(d) pierces my eardrums

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(b) irritates me

28. How must the date be written in an index precis?

(a) November 15th, 2004

(b) 15th November, 2004

(c) 2004, November 15th

(d) November 2004, 15th

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(b) 15th November, 2004

29. Transform the following into an exclamatory sentence. It was a wonderful trip.

(a) How a wonderful trip!

(b) We had a wonderful trip!

(c) Wow! What a wonderful trip!

(d) What a wonderful trip it was!

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(d) What a wonderful trip it was!

30. Change the following into an assertive sentence. How beautiful you are!

(a) You are so much beautiful. 

(b) You are very beautiful.

(c) You are greatly beautiful.

(d) You are beautiful and I know that.

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(b) You are very beautiful.

Hindi or English Ka Question Bihar Police

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